AS286 Routing Policy
Fading away ...
AS286/KPN International was taken over by AS3257/GTT in December 2019. AS286 will be integrated into / migrated to 3257 and fade away. Therefore some of the information found on these pages might be outdated / obsolete.
This document only applies to the KPN worldwide IP backbone AS286.
The hereby described routing policy may be adjusted, altered and
updated any time.
Even our processes cover updates to documentation, there's no
guarantee, that it's
always up-to-date. In case of doubt, transit customers should contact
our NOC and
peers should contact
A list of communities used by AS286 and their meaning can be found
AS286's AS-set is AS-KPN (RIPE). A current list of prefixes of the expanded AS-set (via RADb) can be found here:
- IRR 1:1 IPv4 and IPv6 (unified and sorted)
- IRR "compressed" IPv4 and IPv6 (NET/P,N-M stands
for all possible prefixes out of NET/P with prefix
length between N and M; NET/N-M is the short form if P=N; list is suitable to be used for Juniper route-filters)
- aggregated address space IPv4 and IPv6
policy (transit (IPT) customers)
- KPN protects customer sessions with a high max-prefix limit with auto-recover set to 30 minutes in case max-prefix is hit.
KPN does filter announcements received by IPT customers
based on filters generated with customer's AS-set out of (might change to other meta-IRR without further notice).
KPN will accept announcements of the address space reflected by the IRR
registration (rather than accepting only prefixes exactly as stated with
the route-objects)
We filter on AS-path members (every AS in the AS path must be member of the AS-set).
- KPN does *reject* invalids (ROV/rPKI) from customers - see also below (start latest 1st
October 2018). For RTBH, sBH and rtsdCoS announcements RV results will be ignored for now
(only IRR filtering).
- KPN does accept from customers and re-announce to customers
prefixes more specific than /24 (v4) or /48 (v6)
- KPN does not accept announcements with
- private ASNs (RFC6996: 64512-65534, 65535, 4200000000-4294967294, 4294967295), reserved ASNs (RFC5398: 64496-64511,
65536-65551; IANA reserved: 65552-131071), AS0 (RFC7606) or AS23456 (RFC4893) anywhere in the
as-path (except on direct private AS BGP sessions; and we will remove private AS numbers on own announcements)
- long as-paths (>40)
- many communities (>75 incl. the ones added by us AS286 (up to ~10)) or
- first (left most) AS in the path unequal peer AS
- announcements of AS286
space (except the
- "Tier-1" alike ASes in the as-paths from downstreams [20190724]: 174, 209, 286, 701, 702, 703, 1239, 1273, 1299, 2828, 2914, 3257, 3320, 3356, 3491, 3549, 3908, 3910, 4323, 4436, 5511, 5580, 6453, 6461, 6762, 6830, 6939, 7081, 8928, 12956]
- KPN does not accept nor announce private or other RFC prefixes
declared as "do
not redistribute" (RFC 1122, 1918, 2544, 3849, 3927, 4193, 4291, 5180,
5737, 6598, ...)
or IX (Exchange) LAN ranges KPN connects to [1]
- KPN does not accept announcements within 0/0 up-to /7 and ::/0 up-to /15
- KPN honours MEDs on customer sessions and will announce IGP
metrics on all sessions (except
for "own" routes)
- KPN does not use route damp(en)ing as default
- KPN will make -in most cases- use of GSHUT (BGP GRACEFUL SHUTDOWN) prior to maintenance works affecting BGP sessions. KPN encourages customers to implement support for this.
In some cases KPN might in addition prepend (many times) announcements prior BGP affecting maintenance. And yes, we do support GSHUT announced by customers to us as well.
- Prepend and local-preference adjusting communities as well as the
community are available to IPT customers
- Blackhole marked prefixes (upto /32 (v4) or /128 (v6)) will
routed to Null/discarded on the complete AS286 backbone (not just on the connection PE), but not (yet)
passed to others (peers, RS @ IXes supporting blackholing or alike)
- If multiple local-preference adjusting communities are given,
the "lowest" will be used
- If multiple prepend communities are giving and applicable for
use on re-announcements, the "more specific" one takes precedence (AS
specific over IX specific over peering region and do-not-announce over
do-not-prepend over prepend-once over prepend-twice over triple-prepend
over quad-prepend)
- Informational communities (geographical origin, route-type, ...)
are available to
customers for further consideration on routing decisions
- Prefixes rejected from downstreams can be found here (updated only a few times a day)
Routing policy (peering partners)
- KPN protects peering sessions with manually maintained max-prefix limits with
auto-recover setting in the range of 30-90 minutes in case max-prefix is hit. We'll
update settings on your request (
or eventually if you get close to your limit ...
RANT: Thanks to (our) vendors, prefix-filtering does not scale and can't be deployed
in general for all peers. However KPN reserve it's right, to filter individual
peers at any time.
KPN does *reject* invalids (ROV/rPKI) from all peers.
- KPN does not accept nor announce prefixes more specific than /24
(v4) or /48
(v6) (except some specials) on peering sessions
- KPN does not accept announcements
- with private ASNs (RFC6996: 64512-65534, 65535, 4200000000-4294967294, 4294967295), reserved ASNs (RFC5398: 64496-64511,
65536-65551; IANA reserved: 65552-131071), AS0 (RFC7606) or AS23456 (RFC4893) anywhere in the
as-path (and will remove private AS numbers on own announcements)
- long as-paths (>40)
- too many communities (>75 incl. the ones added by us AS286 (up to ~10))
- first (left most) AS in the path unequal peer AS
- or announcements of AS286 space (except the exceptions)
- (experimental) KPN de-prefs routes (-20 and community 286:28684 added) from peers being potential leaks with AS-path matching "Tier1*-nonTier1+-Tier1-.*" pattern. [20190724: 174, 209, 286, 701, 702, 703, 1239, 1273, 1299, 2828, 2914, 3257, 3320, 3356, 3491, 3549, 3908, 3910, 4323, 4436, 5511, 5580, 6453, 6461, 6762, 6830, 6939, 7081, 8928, 12956]
- KPN does not accept nor announce private or other RFC prefixes
declared as "do
not redistribute" (RFC 1122, 1918, 2544, 3849, 3927, 4193, 4291, 5180,
5737, 6598, ...)
or IX (Exchange) LAN ranges KPN connects to [1]
- KPN does not accept announcements within 0/0 up-to /7 and ::/0 up-to /15
- KPN does not honour MEDs per default nor does KPN announce MEDs (reset to 0);
if you think this might be beneficial for both of us, please contact us
- KPN does not use route damp(en)ing as default
- KPN will make -in most cases- use of GSHUT (BGP GRACEFUL SHUTDOWN) prior to maintenance works affecting BGP sessions. KPN encourages peers to implement support for this.
In some cases KPN might in addition prepend (many times) announcements prior BGP affecting maintenance. And yes, we do support GSHUT announced by peers to us as well.
- Prepend and local-preference adjusting communities are *NOT* available to peering partners
- Blackhole support is not enabled by default for peers; if you are interested in, please contact us
- Informational communities (geographical origin, route-type, ...)
are available to
peers for further consideration on routing decisions
rPKI/route validation
In June 2018 AS286 started to evaluate RV/ROV (rPKI) on the production network. After some "real world" testing, impact analysis and some customer communication to have them clean their ROA
(for the prefixes with no not-invalid alternatives) we decided to drop invalids from customers starting 1st of October 2018. Why customers first? Because here we have a direct relation (or
the customer with his downstreams).
We decided NOT to reject everywhere from the start due to foreseen connectivity issues. If there would be complains, nice, then we could work on, but we decided not to take
the risk for "hidden" failures (like someone trying to reach a shop not getting there and then going to another shop). Others might decide different - there's
always some possible impact and risk involved.
Mid February 2019 we started to drop invalids from all peers except from Tier-1 / Tier-1-alike peers. There was no real reason for the time gap between customer filtering and
non-Tier-1 (or alike) peers other than giving some people the good feeling this is not a big bang thing.
Mid May 2019 we started to drop invalids from a selected subset of Tier-1 / Tier-1-alike peers. Some Tier-1 peers remained unfiltered.
End June 2019 we finalize the deployment by pushing out the last updates and drop from then on all invalids on the edge (customers, IXes and all peers, including Tier-1 networks). The main reason
for holding back Tier-1 networks had been as simple as waiting for our most important downstream to have a 2nd upstream in place (so they either get the invalids from the other network or none of us).
rPKI/RV doesn't play nice with RTBH, sBH, rtsdCoS and thus RV results are ignored for such announcements (customers only). Sigh
This is gone ... with 286 fading more and more away, the quality got worse over the time ... and there are nowadays more sites like this, providing similar views.
Little leftover of our impact analysis is a daily updated report (
of invalids we see from
our peers/customers and "alternative" -not-invalid- paths (same sized valid prefix, more-specific valids (partial/covering full invalid prefix size) or
less specifics valid/unknown). The report has its limitation, some "local" noise included and the "alternative" paths are just taken from a simple full
view table and not all possible paths we have in the network, but it might be of use for the one or other.
It's generated the following way:
- take a full, single clean table (not including invalids)
- collect from every PE eBGP received invalids
- search in the clean table for every invalid an alternative path (in this order; origin AS of altpfx in ()):
- same size not-invalid prefix (must valid), e.g.;srcAS=49666;altpfx=;
if there are not-invalid more-specifics (must be valid), list
them {>...}; if these cover only partial the space, mark it with p, e.g.;srcAS=50064;altpfx=,{>,>};
- if there are not-invalid more-specifics (must be valid) covering the full
prefix of the invalid, use these as altpfx;srcAS=64072;altpfx={>,>};
- if there's a not-invalid less specific (could be valid or unknown), use this as
altpfx, marked with <, e.g.;srcAS=134739;altpfx=<;
if there are not-invalid more-specifics (must be valid), list
them {>...}; as these cover only partial of the space (full coverage is case above), mark it with p, e.g.;srcAS=21219;altpfx=<,p{>};
- if there are some not-invalid more-specifics (must be valid) seen within the
invalid but NOT covering the full prefix size list then marked with PARTIAL and
list them, e.g.;srcAS=9051;altpfx=PARTIAL{>};
iROAS (prefix/mask-maxlen(originAS)) are the ROAs making this announcement invalid.
The rest of the format is hopefully more or less self explaining. In case of questions, drop us an email. Format might also change over time without notice.
If you depend on it, drop us an email. Just one little note: The indented lines are just the different paths we recorded for this invalid. And
it could be srcAS or srcASes on the non-indented line (invalid with single or multiple source ASes). srcas (lower case) is used on the indented
lines (single).
[1] If the IX announces a less specific prefix including the
LAN, than pMTUd with
uRPF should work (if needed at all) for paths through the IX; but most
IX do not
announce the LAN space at all - so there's a potential risk of things
going wrong;
if IX start to announce the IX LAN, KPN may (will, must, should)
consider re-announcing
IX's own announcement (rather than suppressing re-announcement of internal/own
-redistributed into
iBGP- interface route ...)